Monday, March 14, 2016

The Dome of Light: Floor Plan

This is my design for the floor of the Dome. The preferred material is flagstones of cast cement. The underlying geometry is triangulated, with circular curvature based on the edge-length of the relevant triangles, and other related radius lengths. A traditional term for this type of layout is “ad triangulum,” in contrast to “ad quadratum” – the latter meaning a rectangular or foursquare layout; but really I was thinking of Buckminster Fuller and his omni-triangulated designs. It’s as though we’ve laid out the floor on top of his octet truss, a structure based on alternating octahedrons and tetrahedrons and producing a triangulated surface pattern.

The glyphs of the seven traditional planets – those visible to the naked eye – are distributed around the center, with the Sun located at the very center. Around this I’ve placed a compass rose, indicating the cardinal points,  with a sunburst amid them. In the Hermetic philosophy, the square created by their points represents the Earth.

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